Sathish Anantharaman
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In 2019, Sathish Anantharaman joined Konami Gaming, Inc. as Vice President of Systems Software Development, responsible for strategizing and managing product management, R&D direction, and support activities for its SYNKROS® casino management system and other products within the systems organization. His leadership quickly expanded to include the professional and technical services areas of Konami’s systems business in late 2019. In addition to technology leadership, strategic planning, process improvement, and optimization, Sathish works closely with teams across the business as well as with customers, to create strategic partnerships; shape product innovation and quality; and ensure product marketability, implementation, services, and improved customer satisfaction. For more than 15 years, Sathish has delivered innovation to the gaming industry and ushered an array of leading systems products from concept to delivery. He has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Chemical Engineering from Bharathiar University in Coimbatore, India.